2024-25 Season
Sampler Subscription
While we recommend not missing a single show, we also know flexibility is key! You can create a Sampler Subscription, where you can choose three or four of our five MainStage concerts. This Sampler Subscription is like a mini-subscription package, allowing you flexibility while retaining some of the key perks of full-season subscriptions. Starting at $99, samplers vary in price based on number of concerts and seating tier choice.
Choose 3 or more of these 5 MainStage concerts:
Jupiter Rising Feb. 16
American Voices: Rhapsody in Blue April 19
As a Sampler Subscriber, not only do you get to create your own flexible package, you also get these great benefits:
+ Discounts and reduced fees on SoNA tickets
+ Early access to the next SoNA MainStage Season before single tickets go on sale!
+ Discounted renewing subscriber rates in the following season
Don’t want to miss a show?
Click HERE for a full-season subscription – a great way to get the full SoNA experience while saving even more!